Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Goodbye, Fruity Tuesday

Many things about Korean law firms are similar to those in the U.S.--lots of paper, no earrings (for men), many billable hours. Many things are different. For one, all the lawyers on each floor eat lunch together every single day. At noon, the building empties out as the entire firm goes off to one of a dozen or so establishments and has lunch. Nobody--I mean, nobody--eats at their desk. I brought a muffin in for breakfast one morning and got a few quizzical glances. Also, when they have lunch, nobody talks about work. Sports, drinking and a whole host of topics that I can't understand are the subject of conversation, but not work. Then at 1:00, everyone goes back to the office.

This is not just my firm, mind you. This, as far as I can tell, is the entire city. At noon, the streets are just packed.

And then, nobody leaves the office for the rest of the day. Well, they go out for dinner when they're working late, but nobody steps out at 4:00 to get a cup of coffee or anything like that. The only break comes some afternoons when the secretaries make all the attorneys (and now, the interns) a fruit cup. Today, I got a small dixie cup featuring a piece of watermelon, a small orange slice, a piece of something tasty but unidentifiable, and two pieces of carrot.

So far this has happened twice, last Tuesday and this Tuesday. I don't know if it's a "Tuesday thing" (how much would you love Fruity Tuesdays!) or it's coincidence. I am monitoring the situation, and will report as further news becomes available.


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