Friday, July 08, 2005

Identity Crisis

A quick word about the language here. While most people don't speak much English (or, more frequently, are too embarassed about the quality of their English to even try speaking to me, an incredibly frustrating development given the state of my Korean), English signs and writing abound. All the subway stops are marked in both Korean and English, and many restaurants will have at least some English writing (ie "Restaurant") on the sinage as well. It can get trickier once inside--most menus are only in Korean or even worse, will have limited English (there might be a listing for "sandwiches" written in English, but all the types of sandwiches listed will only be in Korean--what a tease!)--but I certainly see English writing every day, and there's no novelty to seeing it.

Coming back from the restaurant last night, however, we passed a Mexican bar/restaurant called "Casa Del Sol." I cannot tell you how excited I was to see Spanish writing. I have no idea why. Almost nobody here speaks Spanish, and it's not like my limited Spanish can help me in any way here. I guess it was misplaced relief at being able to understand something in a foreign language. Maybe I can recapture that feeling if I order bimimbap the next time I'm in East Harlem.


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