Sunday, July 10, 2005

More Odds and Ends

--I noticed something very strange at one of the subway stations yesterday. At the top of a very long flight of stairs which leads down into the station was a wheelchair ramp. The ramp was only about two feet long, and anyone reaching its apex would then have to climb down this long flight of stairs. There was no elevator or any other form of wheelchair access in sight. I have no idea what use it was supposed to provide.
--For such a technophillic population, Koreans appear to use email infrequently, at least compared to Americans. People check their email every hour or so at work, but they don't leave it on and respond right away when something comes in the way that a lot of Americans do. Several people have commented to me on the speed of my email turn-around time. Apparently spam is a big problem in Korea, and this is why people don't use email as much, although they text message like it's going out of style.
--T-shirts seen yesterday: "Mach Daddy (presumably the wearer was Totally Krossed Out)" and "Musical: The Play."


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